My name is Ian and I am an addict
For the last 13 years my life was manic

When my dad died of cancer, my life a spiralled out control
I hit the streets and lost my soul

To numb the pain, I used heroin & crack
Eventually the light in my eyes faded to black

For many years l had to sleep rough
The cold wet nights were especially tough

Throughout all this time, l also needed to beg
For the hungry of my addiction demanded to be fed

The disease of addiction took control of my life
Multiplying my misery, suffering and strife

I became very sick and my twin brother was sectioned
Fortunately my high power made a timely intervention.

I got into detox and moved into rehabilitation
And l started to feel a long forgotten sensation.

The feeling of hope is now running through my veins
And slowly taking away my pain

So by taking this moment to jot down a rhyme
I hope it will inspire you to stay clean. 1 day at a time

Ian B
