If you struggle with opioid addiction and are looking to live a healthier life, there are lifestyle changes you can make to help with withdrawal symptoms, including taking vitamins.
Excessive opiate use has been linked to challenges with maintaining healthy eating patterns and issues with a poor diet, meaning vitamins and supplements can be helpful.
And, if you’re looking to find out more about the vitamins that can support your recovery, we’ve created a helpful guide outlining everything you need to know about suitable vitamins for opiate withdrawal.
Many opiate users take multivitamins to help tackle nutrient deficiencies. Taking multivitamins can help you to become healthier while aiding a stronger recovery. Before you take any multivitamins, it’s always a good idea to get your doctor to carry out blood tests so that any deficiencies can be identified and treated.
Vitamin C plays a huge part in boosting your immune system and keeping you feeling as healthy as possible. Research has indicated that high doses of Vitamin C can actually help to manage withdrawal symptoms too.
Magnesium can help calm anxiety and support healthy sleep. It also helps with any twitches or muscle pain you may experience during opiate withdrawal.
Acetyl-L-carnitine has been linked to combatting opiate withdrawal symptoms such as sleep problems and muscle symptoms. But, if you’re considering taking Acetyl-L-carnitine, you must check with your doctor first.
Opiate usage can cause damage to the lining of your gut. During the withdrawal process, a probiotic supplement will help improve your gut health, allowing your body to absorb nutrients more efficiently.
According to research, the herb Ginseng can help improve your mood during opiate withdrawals.
Finally, you can also help yourself through opiate withdrawal by ensuring that you eat a diet high in protein and high fibre foods, whilst drinking lots of water. And, remember, it’s important to always talk to your doctor before starting new vitamins, herbs or supplements. Some products may have an interaction with medicines you are currently taking and some vitamins can be dangerous if you have existing medical concerns.
Here at ANA Treatments, we provide individually-tailored detoxification programmes that have been carefully designed to help our clients rebuild their lives, grow in confidence and re-discover their self-worth. Our mission is to provide our patients with the resilience and tools they need to live a healthy, responsible and productive life, free of drugs.
For us, it’s all about encouraging recovery through support, respect and teaching vital life skills. For further information about our drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Hampshire, please get in touch.