Drug addiction can not only have a huge impact on all aspects of an addict’s everyday life, but it can also lead to a number of serious health implications, including memory loss, brain damage, stroke, seizures and, in severe cases, death.

So it’s important that addicts get the help that they need, remain on the road to recovery and do not find themselves in situations where they could relapse – for the sake of their health and everyday life.

When it comes to supporting a loved one through their addiction, you must remember that addiction is a disease of both the body and the mind – the triggers that make addicts turn to drugs are both uncontrollable and overwhelming. Therefore offering support in any way you can may help them recover.


Who is susceptible to drug addiction?


Anyone, regardless of their gender, age, background, or career, can be susceptible to developing issues and falling into an unhealthy relationship with drugs. Unfortunately, there is no “one size fits all” example of who may end up developing an addiction.

And any drug can cause addiction – substances such as nicotine, alcohol, opioid medications, and marijuana can be considered just as harmful as class A drugs such as cocaine, heroin and MDMA.

And, what often starts as trying drugs recreationally, can quickly lead to long-term issues, with their use becoming a necessity.

When addicts are at the height of their addiction, they cannot go a day without taking drugs and over time, most users need more of the same drug simply to achieve the same high. This can lead to the addict being unable to function without drugs and physically ill due to withdrawal.


But what are the causes of drug addiction?


There are a number of frequently-observed causes that have been linked to drug addiction including the following factors:


How your mind and body respond to a drug can be an inherited trait, part of your genes and family history, and therefore can’t be prevented.

Peer pressure

Peer pressure often causes early drug use, which then develops into addiction. This commonly occurs during the teenage years, when individuals tend to experiment more and are more likely to come into contact with both drink and drugs.


Environmental factors such as your educational opportunities, job prospects, family background, aspirations, beliefs and attitudes can all play a role in whether or not an addiction escalates.


Other causes of addiction include:


  • Absence of social support
  • Stress levels
  • Trauma
  • History of abuse or neglect


Why choose ANA Treatments?


Here at ANA Treatments, we provide individually tailored detoxification programmes that have been carefully designed to help our clients rebuild their lives, gain confidence and re-discover their self-worth. Our mission is to provide our patients with the resilience and tools they need to live a healthy, responsible and productive life, free of drugs.


For us, it’s all about encouraging recovery through support, respect and teaching vital life skills. For further information about our drug and alcohol rehabilitation in Hampshire, please get in touch.


